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Collections are compilations of content relating to a specific community, institution, academic society or conference.
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Adaptation to Climate Change This collection draws on the interdisciplinary nature of climate research in the Horizon funding programmes, looking at both current climatic conditions as well as the lessons that can be learned from climatic changes in the past. It is led by Dr. Jana Voříšková.
Gateway Advisor

Jana Voříšková

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Additive Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing refers to technologies that produce three-dimensional objects one superfine layer at a time. It has many applications across Engineering. Examples include the creation of weight-saving, complex geometric designs for Aerospace Engineering, the rapid prototyping in Automotive Engineering, and creating custom on-demand surgical implants in Medical Engineering.
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Advances in Natural Language Generation The aim of this collection is to bring together recent works related to developments and improvements within the field of language generation. It has been developed by the Multi3Generation COST Action network (CA18231) but is open to submissions from Horizon projects. It is led by Dr Anabela Barreiro, Dr Elena Lloret Pastor, and Professor Max Silberztein.
Gateway Advisors

Anabela Barreiro,  Elena Lloret Pastor,  Max Silberztein

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Advances in Optics Optics is concerned with studying and understanding the behavior and properties of light, specifically in relation to its interaction with different media. This collection focuses on the latest developments within this field of physical sciences. 
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Advances in Photonics Photonics is the science of light waves, specifically relating to the generation, detection and manipulation of light. The field focuses on the creation and manipulation of light for the development of ultrafast and cost-effective applications. Guest Advisor: Dr. Thibault Derrien (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Gateway Advisor

Thibault Derrien

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Agricultural Chemistry Chemistry is involved with agriculture in two core ways: it can be used to understand the underlying reactions that govern plant growth & behavior and it can also be used to develop chemicals that will improve crop harvest. This collection aims to showcase novel work in the research area that spans between real-world applications & experimental work. This collection is led by Dr. Rene Herrera Diaz (InnoRenew CoE).
Gateway Advisor

Rene Herrera Diaz

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Algal Biology and its Applications Algae applications collection aims to gather research on algae and microalgae ecology, adaptations and threats from environmental stressors, current developments, and valorisation of Algae in a wide variety of markets. Dr Serena Rasconi and Dr Alexandra Dubini are the Guest Advisors.

Gateway Advisors

Serena Rasconi,  Alexandra Dubini

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Amines Amines are versatile organic compounds that form the basis of several naturally occurring & chemically synthesized products. This collection aims to bring together recent research related to these compounds and their utilization within different fields and industries. Guest Advisor: Dr. Béla Fiser (University of Miskolc)
Gateway Advisor

Béla Fiser

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Analytical Techniques Quantitative study & result validation is a common practice spanning across multiple disciplines in science and this can be achieved by using different analytical techniques. Such techniques can rely on specialized instrumentation ranging from microscopes to chromatography or simpler methods like gravimetric analysis. This collection focuses on research related to this type of analysis, both theoretical & applied.
Guest Advisor: Prof. Toma Susi (University of Vienna) 
Gateway Advisor

Toma Susi

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Applications of Nanotechnology The purpose of this collection is to explore the diverse array of solutions offered by nanotechnology in areas such as medicine, electronics, energetics, food, industry, information technology, astronautics, and communication, and also any regulatory and ethical challenges in what remains an emerging field.
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Artificial Intelligence and the Social Sciences and Humanities Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting every area of our lives and developments in AI throw up momentous intellectual, ethical and moral challenges, questions which philosophers, lawyers, psychologists and others in the social sciences and the humanities are best placed to contend with. The aim of this collection is to explore the social, cultural, and ethical implications of AI and it is being led by Dr Anaïs Rességuier.
Gateway Advisor

Anaïs Rességuier

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Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope Design Study The aim of this Collection is to collect outputs from the design study. In particular, this includes the science case studies, which are designed to set out the future advances in astronomy that motivate this new observatory and set out the technical requirements for the telescope and instrumentation. The Collection is led by Dr Mark Booth, Professor Claudia Cicone, Dr Pamela Klaassen, and Dr Tony Mroczkowski.
Gateway Advisors

Mark Booth,  Claudia Cicone,  Pamela Klaassen,  Tony Mroczkowski

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Bacteria and Infectious Diseases in Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences Bacteria and infectious disease in livestock and animals have the potential to interfere with food production and supply and even spread to humans in some cases. Led by Dr. Michal Letek, this collection seeks to further our understanding of these infections and their hosts to prevent spreading and consequences from occurring.
Gateway Advisor

Michal Letek

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Bacterial Pathogenesis The aim of this collection is to improve our understanding of bacterial infection biology, from pathogenic and commensal bacteria that cause disease. We are interested in the mechanisms involved in pathogenesis, using a wide range of approaches, from microbiology and evolutionary perspectives to a more molecular biology-oriented approach, including single-cell sequencing, transcriptomics, and proteomics. This collection is being led by Prof Kai Papenfort.
Gateway Advisor

Kai Papenfort

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Biogeochemical Cycles This collection houses research that studies historical, current, and future biogeochemical cycles at any spatial and temporal scale, using evidence from the past, as well as modelling for the future. It is led by Dr Rafael Marcé and Dr Luisa Galgani.
Gateway Advisors

Luisa Galgani,  Rafael Marcé

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Biomaterials Biomaterial implants are designed to improve the quality of life for an increasing number of people each year. They benefit not just an ageing population with greater life expectancy, but also younger people with heart problems, injuries, or inherited health issues, and including cosmetic surgeries.
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Blastocystis This Collection is aimed at scientists with interests in the Blastocystis, a prevalent intestinal microbial eukaryote found in both humans and animals.

It is a collection of open access articles created by COST Action Blastocystis under One Health (CA21105).  This initiative emphasises a One Health approach, integrating medical, veterinary, public, and environmental health research to address the complex dynamics of Blastocystis.
Gateway Advisors

Anastasios Tsaousis,  Eleni Gentekaki,  Funda Doğruman Al,  Rune Stensvold

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Blue Economy and Farming One of the EU Missions in Horizon Europe focuses on restoring oceans and waters and this collection aims to collate work within the broad area of blue economy and farming from the research community.
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Brain Dysfunction and Degeneration The human brain is an incredibly complex organ that modulates all actions of our body. When the brain begins to degenerate, however, diagnosis and potential treatment(s) are paramount for reducing symptoms and restoring function - this collection, led by Dr. Guiomar Niso of Indiana University, is the home for advancing knowledge and understanding of the human brain. 
Gateway Advisor

Guiomar Niso

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Cancer Currently, it is estimated that one in two people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. The open dissemination of new research and findings is vital to ensure their successful implementation. From basic cancer biology to treatment and preventative measures, this collection welcomes submissions of various article types on this topic and is led by Prof. Walter Ricciardi.
Gateway Advisor

Walter Ricciardi

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Carbon Reduction, (Re)use, and Removal Technologies and Practices This collection studies carbon reduction, reuse, and removal technologies and practices (CRTP), which include: land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs) in agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors (AFOLU); nature based solutions in cities and peri-urban areas; ocean-based negative emissions technologies; and other engineered solutions that capture, utilise or store carbon (CCUS). It is led by Dr Jenny Lieu.
Gateway Advisor

Jenny Lieu

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Circular Economy in the Built Environment As we face increasing concerns about the negative environmental impacts of the built environment, the Circular Economy (CE) has emerged as a new paradigm of innovative practice with potential application to the construction industry and other economic sectors.

This collection is dedicated to the publication of the progress made within this sector across Europe and to a more holistic understanding of the various challenges encountered.

This collection is led by Prof. Luis Braganca.
Gateway Advisor

Luis Braganca

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Cloud-based Technologies The aim of this Collection is to collate the latest research performed in Cloud-based technologies in order to improve their availability, scalability and cost-effectiveness.

Guest Advisors Dr. Pedro García López, Dr. George Kousiouris, Dr. Fernando Aguilar Gómez and Prof. Radu Prodan are looking for articles that propose solutions to current challenges, such as data security and privacy, performance challenges, interoperability and flexibility, among others.
Gateway Advisors

Pedro Antonio García López,  Georgios Kousiouris ,  Fernando Aguilar Gomez,  Radu Prodan

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Combating Global Pollution This collection brings together Horizon-funded research in Earth and Environmental Sciences and innovation that tackles issues of pollution. It is led by Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann.
Gateway Advisor

Sonja Oberbeckmann

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Composites Composites are flexible in their design and can be reconfigured to form materials that are suitable for a variety of uses. This collection aims to collate research related to the development and application of these materials across all fields. This collection is led by Dr. Sara Dalle Vacche (Politecnico di Torino)
Gateway Advisor

Sara Dalle Vacche

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Computational Chemistry Computational chemistry utilizes computer-based simulations to solve chemical problems by combining elements of theoretical chemistry with computer programming to calculate the properties, structures & reactivity of molecules. This collection is led by Prof. Marcel Swart (University of Girona)
Gateway Advisor

Marcel Swart

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Coronavirus It is without a doubt that COVID–19 has had a huge impact worldwide over recent year and under the guidance of Dr. Michel Counotte, this collections is devoted to sharing the rapidly growing wealth of knowledge that has been uncovered since the start of the pandemic, spanning from diagnosis to treatment, including any proposed actions to prevent further impact of this and future pandemics.
Gateway Advisor

Michel Counotte

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Data sharing: distributed, federated and collaborative analytics in future energy systems Digitalisation of energy systems is expected to help integrate the growing share of renewable energy by unlocking flexibility from demand and distributed energy resources. However, solutions are required to enable and stimulate data sharing and interoperability in energy systems to realise the value of digitalisation. This Collection invites submissions addressing these challenges.

This Collection runs concurrently on ORE and F1000Research and is advised by Ricardo Bessa and Jethro Browell.
Gateway Advisors

Ricardo Bessa,  Jethro Browell

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Deep Learning Deep Learning is a subfield of Machine Learning which focuses on teaching computers to behave like a human brain to process data, create patterns, and make decisions.
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Developmental Biology Developmental Biology studies the processes by which an organism develops from a single cell to an organised group of cells. It tries to answer how such a complexity is achieved over space and time, while all cells in an organism contain the same genetic material. Guest Advisors for this collection are:  Dr Chema Martín-DuránDr Jean-Léon MaîtreDr Hervé Turlier and Dr Katharina Sonnen.

Gateway Advisors

Jose María Martín Durán,  Jean-Léon Maître,  Hervé Turlier,  Katharina Sonnen

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Diabetes The aim of this Collection is to gather research aiming to identify the molecular mechanisms causing diabetes, its more innovative treatments, and its effects on patients’ prognosis and lifestyle.
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Diagnostic Imaging Technology Advancements within Diagnostic Imaging engineering and technology are transforming modern healthcare. The increasing implementation of machine learning, the adoption of surgical robotics, parallel developments in radiopharmaceutical chemistry and molecular imaging, and the availability of advanced imaging and big data have led to several new domains of knowledge which will be key to further technological advances.
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Digital Health and Well-being The digital world has many applications to improve health and well-being and this collection aims to highlight some examples of this in the real world, led by Dr. Paul De Raeve from the European Federation of Nurses. This ranges from personalised health management to the use of big data to identify population trends
Gateway Advisor

Paul De Raeve

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Digital Humanities This collection is dedicated to the Digital Humanities, a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary and often collaborative field of research located at the intersection of the humanities and technology. It is led by Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch (University of Trier) and Dr Natalie Harrower (Former Director of the Digital Repository of Ireland).
Gateway Advisors

Christof Schöch,  Natalie Harrower

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Digital Security Digital security is the collective term to define the tools employed to protect our online presence, data, and other assets.

The aim of this Collection is to gather the latest research performed in the broad area of Digital Security that analyse the current threats and limitations of our security systems, and propose alternatives and new approaches to tackle future challenging scenarios.
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Digital Twins Increasing innovation in Digital Twin modelling has led to incredible opportunities in fields as diverse as manufacturing, healthcare, smart cities, and automobile engineering.

This Collection is led by Dr Gianfranco Modoni.
Gateway Advisor

Gianfranco Modoni

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Disease Management and Treatment With possible negative implications on human function, diseases are medical conditions that require strategies for management and treatment to reduce the side effects and symptoms of patients. This collection is focused on providing a dedicated area for research on disease management and treatment. Dr Julius Bogomolovas is the Guest Advisor of this collection.
Gateway Advisor

Julius Bogomolovas

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Disease Mechanisms With possible negative implications on human function, diseases are medical conditions that require attention to further elucidate why and how an organism has deviated from its original structure. This collection is focused on providing a dedicated area for research on disease mechanisms.
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Ecosystems The aim of this Collection is to gather research on understanding how ecosystems are formed, maintained, and how they adapt to changing environmental conditions. It is led by Dr. Daniel Richter and Prof. Jaana Bäck.

Gateway Advisors

Daniel Richter,  Jaana Bäck

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E-Mobility E-Mobility refers to clean and efficient transport, using electric vehicles, powered either by batteries or by hydrogen fuel cells. In recent years the development of E-Mobility has intensified to meet the need for more environment-friendly and efficient vehicles and to satisfy new regulatory requirements set by governments and other law-setting bodies.

This Collection is led by Dr. Valentin Ivanov and Ángel Moya.
Gateway Advisors

Valentin Ivanov,  Ángel Moya

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Energy Storage Energy storage refers to the capture of energy and the effective delivery of it for future use. As the energy crisis has intensified, energy storage has become a major focus of research in both industry and academia.
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Energy Systems Modelling The transition to a clean and renewable energy system is recognised as one of the biggest challenges the world faces this century. Energy models are key to the transformation of the energy system, facilitating the transition towards sustainable energy sources. This collection will be publishing papers from the 2021 EMP-E conference.
Gateway Advisors

Stefan Pfenninger,  Diana Süsser,  Bryn Pickering,  Ludwig Hülk

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Epigenetics The word epigenetic literally means “on top of” changes in genetic sequence. It mostly involves modifications of gene activity and expression, either coming from external or environmental factors, or even part of normal development, without changing the nucleotide sequence. This collection is being led by Dr. Germano Cecere and Dr. Jop Kind.
Gateway Advisors

Germano Cecere,  Jop Kind

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European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform 2022 This Collection will be publishing papers from the 2022 European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform conference. The annual ECEMP conference brings together Europe’s energy modelling community over a three-day period in a forum for deep exchange of research and modelling practice and varied discussions.
Gateway Advisors

Johannes Emmerling,  Panagiotis Fragkos,  Gabriele Fambri,  Cruz Enrique Borges Hernandez,  Will Usher

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Evolutionary Biology Evolutionary Biology studies the processes that generate diversity on earth. In this collection Dr. Mehmet Somel and Dr. Claudio Ottoni aim to attract research on understanding how species have managed to evolve and adapt to changing environments.
Gateway Advisors

Mehmet Somel,  Claudio Ottoni

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Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience presents research from within the psychological domain, investigating evolutionary and comparative brain development and neural and emotional functioning. This collection is being led by Prof. Dr. Frederick Verbruggen.
Gateway Advisor

Frederick Verbruggen

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Extreme Events Research in this collection studies the impact of extreme events on both human and natural system processes, with a view to growing our understanding of the processes controlling events, as well as identifying policy and management solutions for resilience at a local and global scale.
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Family Farming, Lifestyle and Health in Small Islands, Countries and Territories This collection aims to provide Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries with a space to rapidly and transparently publish their work within the broad area of family farming, lifestyle and health in small islands, countries and territories. It is led by Professor Jean-Marie Fotsing and Dr Olivier Galy.
Gateway Advisors

Jean-Marie Fotsing,  Olivier Galy

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Fintech and AI in Finance This collection brings together the latest academic research on the intersection of fintech and AI. It is led by Professor Jörg Osterrieder.
Gateway Advisor

Jörg Osterrieder

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Food Safety and Waste As the demand for food grows with our increasing population, the need to reduce waste and ensure safe production becomes even more paramount. With this collection, together with Prof. Avo Karus, we aim to highlight strategies to sustainably increase food production while maintaining safe practices and reducing waste, as well as exploring the impact when this process does not work.
Gateway Advisor

Avo Karus

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Genomes Advances in sequencing techniques have made possible to sequence many organisms’ genomes, from model organisms such as yeast, worms, fruit flies and plants, to the Human genome. Despite all this wealth of knowledge, there are still unresolved questions. Led by Dr Baoxu Pang and Dr Corentin Claeys Bouuaert, the aim of this Collection is to gather the latest research in understanding genomes dynamics, organisation and stability, and their role in gene regulation. 
Gateway Advisors

Baoxu Pang,  Corentin Claeys Bouuaert

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Geophysics and Soil Science in Archaeology Geophysics and Soil Science in Archaeology is a collection created by COST action 17131. It aims to advance the development and application of geophysical techniques and soil analytical methodologies to archaeological prospection, site to landscape characterisation, and monitoring. Guest Advisors are Dr Carmen Cuenca-García, Dr Jan Horák, Dr Apostolos Sarris, and Dr Clare Wilson.
Gateway Advisors

Carmen Cuenca-Garcia,  Jan Horák,  Apostolos Sarris,  Clare Wilson

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Green Chemistry Green Chemistry refers to the development of chemical processes & eco-friendly products that will prevent pollution. This collection aims to capture the latest research in this area, ranging from waste prevention to energy efficiency. This collection is led by Prof. Solange Mussatto.
Gateway Advisor

Solange Mussatto

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Health, Ageing and Mortality This collection brings together research on social and cultural determinants and implications for health across the life course, including illness, care, well-being, ageing and morality. It is led by Dr Hiroko Costantini
Gateway Advisor

Hiroko Costantini

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Healthcare and Policy Healthcare information is readily available in today's society and policies relating to this information are regularly updated. This collection, led by Prof. Denis Horgan of the European Alliance of Personalised Medicine, is intended for those to publish healthcare research relevant to both policymakers and the general public.
Gateway Advisor

Denis Horgan

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Immunological Disruptions and Interventions Immunity comes in many forms and is often the first line of defense against foreign bacteria. However, disruptions to the immunological system require interventions to prevent further consequences to human health. The purpose of this collection, led by Dr. Sudip Das, is to strengthen knowledge on all things immunology, from allergy protection to genetic engineering.
Gateway Advisor

Sudip Das

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Innovation and Growth in the Bioeconomy Research in this collection demonstrates how investment and innovation in the bioeconomy can help different sectors, such as agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries, food, and forestry, to translate research into viable products and services. The Guest Advisors for this collection are Prof. Calliope Panoutsou and Prof. Justus Wesseler.
Gateway Advisors

Calliope Panoutsou,  Justus Wesseler

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Integrating Gender Analysis into Research The collection aims at providing a global perspective on the integration of sex and gender in research. It is led by Robin Mason, Christopher R. Cederroth, Jane Freedman and Josep María Armengol.
Gateway Advisors

Robin Mason,  Christopher R. Cederroth,  Jane Freedman,  Josep María Armengol

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Linguistic Diversity This collection brings together Horizon funded research focusing on topics dealing with linguistic diversity, such as historical and typological language comparison, language contact and interaction, multilingualism, and language variation. This collection is being led by Dr Nathan Hill.
Gateway Advisor

Nathan Hill

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Machine Learning The aim of this collection is to create a common space for researchers exploring different aspects of Machine Learning, including different methods and algorithms.
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Medical Physics This field focuses on using the concepts of applied health physics, bioengineering & medical electronics to prevent, diagnose and treat human diseases. This collection aims to highlight developments and novel activities in the realm of medical physics.
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Mental and Public Health This interdisciplinary collection houses research that tackles issues relating to physical and mental health, looking at the neural, psychological and social factors that influence how we behave in relation to our health and wellbeing, as well as research that presents new solutions to long-term health problems. It is led by Dr Marta Moreira Marques.
Gateway Advisor

Marta Moreira Marques

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Metallurgy Metallurgy is the study of the chemical and physical behavior of metals, contributing to the improvement of existing materials, the discovery of novel metals & the development of models & theories that increase usefulness.
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Migration The aim of this collection is to provide researchers with a platform to disseminate work that meets rigorous scientific and ethical standards on all aspects of human migration making robust use of qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. This collection is being led by Professor Jean-Michel Lafleur and Professor Laura Morales.
Gateway Advisors

Jean-Michel Lafleur,  Laura Morales

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Nanomaterials Nanomaterials can be defined as structures with at least one dimension between 1-100 nanometers in size. These materials are showing promise in varying applications & industries and this collection aims to capture these recent developments within the field. This collection is led by Dr. Eduardo Guisasola (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Gateway Advisor

Eduardo Guisasola

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Nanoscale Magnetics Magnets can be applied to a wide variety of applications that benefit from the properties that emerge at the nanoscale. This collection focuses on research related to the use and development of these nanoscale magnets and is led by Dr. Veronica Iacovacci (Scuola Superiore Sant'Ann).
Gateway Advisor

Veronica Iacovacci

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Neuromorphic Processing Systems The term neuromorphic refers to electronic devices, circuits, and systems that implement the same basic operations as those the nervous system uses, and that use the same organizing principles used by the nervous system.
The aim of this collection is to create a common space for researchers exploring different aspects of neural computation and sensory-motor processing. This collection is being led by Prof. Giacomo Indiveri.

Gateway Advisor

Giacomo Indiveri

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Non-machines: Playground of perspectives This Collection comprises the proceedings of the Non-Machines: Playground of Perspectives conference and offers a rich collection of the academic and artistic contributions and further discusses the relationship of machines and non-machines in times of planetary crisis. This Collection features content produced through the COST Action CA21102 'Toolkit of Care'.
Gateway Advisors

Marinos Koutsomichalis,  Mindaugas Gapševičius,  Johanna Reckewerth

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Obesity In today's society, obesity is becoming more and more prevalent amongst adults and children leading to further health implications and economic demands. The purpose of this collection is to delve deeper into the mechanisms of obesity and associated co-morbidities, as well as improving and developing treatments.
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Perovskites Perovskites are a classification of materials that follow the chemical structure ABXand have shown promise for being efficient components of optoelectronic, photonic and telecommunication devices. This collection is led by Dr. Mikael Kepenekian (University of Rennes).
Gateway Advisor

Mikael Kepenekian

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Plant and Soil Health 'A Soil Deal for Europe' forms the EU mission to transition towards healthy soils by 2030. This collection is a space for researchers contributing to the goals of this mission to publish their soil, as well as plant, health work, which is led by Dr. Luca Montanarella and Dr. Orla O'Sullivan.
Gateway Advisors

Luca Montanarella,  Orla O'Sullivan

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Plant Biology The aim of this collection is to gather research on the latest advances in disciplines that use plants as model organisms, from understanding their functional physiology at the genetic and molecular level, to exploring their use to study general biological questions applied to other organisms. The guest advisors of this collection are Prof Crisanto Gutiérrez and Prof Claude Becker.

Gateway Advisors

Crisanto Gutiérrez,  Claude Becker

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Plant Ecology The aim of this collection is to shed light on the eco-evolutionary dynamics that govern natural plant populations and predict how these (a)biotic interactions of plant communities will respond to current and future global changes. This collection is led by Dr Harihar Jaishree Subrahmaniam.
Gateway Advisor

Harihar Jaishree Subrahmaniam

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Polymers These materials are composed of repeating units of simple chemical units known as monomers. Polymers occur in nature & can be synthetic but are the basis of several fundamental aspects of daily life. 
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Redox Reactions & Redox-active Materials The word "redox" refers to reduction-oxidation reactions in which electrons are transferred between species. Such reactions are the underlying principle of several natural processes & human-made applications. This collection, led by Dr. Manuel Souto, aims to capture research governed by this chemical reaction. 
Gateway Advisor

Manuel Souto

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Research Ethics and Integrity This collection brings together articles with a focus on the ethics of research and the trustworthiness of research results. The collection is led by Associate Professor Natalie Evans and Prof. Dr. Mariette van Hoven
Gateway Advisors

Natalie Evans,  Mariëtte van den Hoven

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Research Infrastructures Research Infrastructure ecosystems form the backbone of science and are a part of the critical infrastructure safeguarding our societal wellbeing, providing the foundation for science-based solutions to global challenges.The world’s leading conference on Research Infrastructures, the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) has partnered with Open Research Europe to create this hub of articles on Research Infrastructures. 
Gateway Advisors

Jan Hrušák,  Ondřej Hradil

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Resilient Transport Infrastructure The aim of this Collection is to publish original technical and research papers from EC-funded projects focused on innovative methodologies and approaches to improve resilience of transport infrastructures at their different dimensions including resistance, reliability, redundancy, and response & recovery.
Gateway Advisor

Belén Riveiro Rodriguez

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Robotics The purpose of this collection is to highlight the array of research focused on robotics and its impact and potential to advance existing human-based activities as well as offer unique solutions which would otherwise be impossible without the involvement of machines and artificial intelligence.

This Collection is led by Dr Carmelo Mineo.
Gateway Advisor

Carmelo Mineo

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Safeguarding Cultural Heritage This collection brings diverse research together and sheds light on the myriad ways in which people are working to safeguard Europe’s cultural heritage with the support of Horizon programmes. The collection, through the guidance of Prof Estefanía López Salas and Prof Bojana Bojanic Obad-Scitaroci aims to encourage dialogue around protection methods and promote awareness about cultural heritage, allowing for those invested in safeguarding Europe’s cultural heritage to share expertise and knowledge.
Gateway Advisors

Estefanía López Salas,  Bojana Bojanic Obad-Scitaroci

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Self-Optimized AI for Sustainable & Agile Manufacturing in European Process Industries The s-X-AIPI project is a 3-year Horizon Europe-funded project that aims to develop and test a novel autonomic AI toolset for the transformation of the European process industry. This Collection includes content resulting from that project.
Gateway Advisors

Daniel Gómez,  Aníbal Reñones Dominguez,  Clio Drimala

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Sensory Biology This Collection aims to understand all aspects of sensory biology, including reception of signals, transduction, and responses. Multidisciplinary methodology is welcome, such as genetics, expression analysis, transcriptomics, microscopy, experimental biology, bioinformatics, and electrophysiology. This Collection is led by Prof Breandán Kennedy.
Gateway Advisor

Breandán Kennedy

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Sexual Health and Sexual Medicine Sexual Health and Sexual Medicine is a collection created by COST action 18124. It focuses on sexual health and on sexual medicine as an interdisciplinary science. It aims to introduce and advance sexual medicine at every level of education, and in clinical and public health research and practice. It is led by Prof Jacques Lankveld, Prof Silvana Andric, and Prof Marco Alves.

Gateway Advisors

Jacques van Lankveld,  Silvana Andric,  Marco Alves

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Smart Cities As urban populations continue to grow, issues with economic and social progress are often magnified and pressure on existing city infrastructure systems intensify. Smart cities have the potential to address these challenges by promoting the interconnectivity of citizens, the sharing of real time data, and the incorporation of the internet of things (IoT) into urban infrastructure. This collection is led by Dr Serdar Dindar.
Gateway Advisor

Serdar Dindar

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Surface Modification Techniques Modifications to the surface of materials can generate a wide variety of beneficial properties that would otherwise require re-synthesis or the utilization of another material. This collection focuses on research related to these modification techniques and is led by Assoc. Prof. Ivan Ristić (University of Novi Sad).
Gateway Advisor

Ivan Ristić

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Sustainable Farming For several reasons, the demand for farming and production is growing rapidly. This collection, led by Prof. Thomas Bartzanas, is the home for researchers wanting to publish their work to support the preservation of the agricultural sector whilst contributing to the UN's goals of sustainable development. 
Gateway Advisor

Thomas Bartzanas

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Sustainable Places 2022 Sustainable Places 2022 has partnered with Open Research Europe to provide Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries who are SP2022 contributors a place to publish in full compliance with the open access terms of their funding and offer researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion.
Gateway Advisors

Diego Reforgiato,  Cécile Barrere,  Zia Lennard,  Nadine Tournois

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Sustainable Places 2023 Sustainable Places 2023 has partnered with Open Research Europe to provide Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries who are SP2023 contributors a place to publish in full compliance with the open access terms of their funding and offer researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion.
Gateway Advisors

Ester Higueras,  Roberto San Jose,  Andrea Alonso,  Zia Lennard

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Sustainable Places 2024 Sustainable Places 2024 has partnered with Open Research Europe to provide Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries who are SP2024 contributors a place to publish in full compliance with the open access terms of their funding and offer researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion.
Gateway Advisors

Sylvain Kubicki,  Annie Guerriero,  Calin Boje,  Zia Lennard

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The Future of Democracy The current century has seen transforming patterns of democratic participation in Europe and beyond. Democratic participation is being reshaped by factors including rapid technological change and the growth of social media, causing shifts in the ways that citizens communicate and engage with politics. This collection spotlights the latest research on democracy and civic participation.
Gateway Advisors

Rachel Gibson,  Esmeralda Bon,  Andrea Römmele

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The Future of Work The nature of how and where people work is changing. This collection brings together the latest research on the future of work.
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Transnational Literatures and Arts This collection takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of literature and arts (including the visual arts, performance, film, design, architecture, cultural heritage and art history) as a transnational site of exchange. It is led by Professor Anu Allas, Professor Peggy Karpouzou, Professor Eneken Laanes and Dr Nikoleta Zampaki.
Gateway Advisors

Anu Allas,  Peggy Karpouzou,  Eneken Laanes,  Nikoleta Zampaki

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Vehicle Engineering Vehicle Engineering has changed dramatically over recent years, with electrification and connectivity becoming central to the development of the industry. Manufacturers are modernising engineering activities accordingly, with significant pressure to reduce development time and cost through digitisation of the engineering process. There is also an increasing need to develop and improve new technologies for the next generation of zero and ultra-low emission vehicles.
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Viruses The aim of this Collection is to house research studying relevant aspects of viral infection, evolution, and treatment. We welcome any type of methodology used, including experimental biology, biochemistry, structural biology, genomics, and nanotechnology, to name a few. Its Guest Advisor is Prof Tessa Quax.
Gateway Advisor

Tessa Quax

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Waste Management and the Circular Economy As climate change and environmental degradation becomes an increasingly existential threat to Europe and the world, moving towards a Circular Economy provides an opportunity to address the reduction of primary materials, protecting material resources and reducing our carbon footprint.
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Wireless Communications The aim of this Collection is to highlight advances in the state-of-the-art research on wireless communications. This may include theoretical contributions – including new techniques, concepts, and analysis – and practical contributions – such as system experiments and prototypes, and new applications.

This collection is led by Dr. Gianluca Fontanesi and Chenhao Chu.
Gateway Advisors

Gianluca Fontanesi,  Chenhao Chu

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Women on the Move Women on the Move is a collection of open access articles created by COST Action 19112. It focuses on women’s migration across time and disciplines and encourages the interplay between different approaches and periods.
Gateway Advisors

Marie Ruiz,  Katelin Parsons,  Sónia Ferreira,  Stellamarina Donato

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