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About European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform 2022

European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform 2022

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About this Collection
This Collection will be publishing papers from the 2022 European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform conference. The annual ECEMP conference brings together Europe’s energy modelling community over a three-day period in a forum for deep exchange of research and modelling practice and varied discussions. The ECEMP 2022 conference will be a forum for exchange among researchers and modelling teams from across Europe; from H2020 projects, representatives of the European Commission as well as partners from industry and civil society.

This year, the overarching topic is: Acting on the ambitions to a net-zero EU: roadblocks, challenges and opportunities.

Themes include:
  • Energy security and geopolitics for fossil and low-carbon fuels
    • Energy security and geopolitical
    • Fossil fuel and carbon-free fuel trade implications
    • Energy security in Europe
    • Energy access and poverty
    • Interlinkages between energy transition and security in the EU
  • Innovation, societal and technical changes for Net Zero
    • Socio-economic impacts of the transition
    • Role of energy consumers in the transition
    • Role of hard-to-abate sectors
    • Role of electrification, hydrogen and e-fuels on the road to climate neutrality
    • Transition to a sustainable, zero-emission transportation system
    • Digitization, innovation, and other societal mega-trends
    • Energy consumption of large data centres
  • The latest IPCC findings and implications for national and short term policies
    • National Energy and Climate Modelling efforts and scenarios
    • Short and medium term policy target implementation
    • Multi-model comparisons as method for robust policy analysis
    • Debate: Coherence between national and EU-wide modelling analyses for short, medium and long term
    • Findings from the IPCC reports – Climate, Impacts and Adaptation, Mitigation
    • Influence of climate change on energy demands, supply and infrastructure in the EU
    • Environmental Assessment for energy modelling
    • Accounting for climate change impacts on renewable resources
Open Research Europe requires open access to research data supporting articles under the principle ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’. All articles should include citations to repositories that host the data underlying the results, together with any information needed to replicate, validate, and/or reuse the results/your study and analysis of the data. We recognise there may be exceptions due to ethical, data protection, or confidentiality considerations, or because the data have been obtained from a third party and access restrictions apply.
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