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About Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing

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About this Collection
Additive Manufacturing refers to technologies that produce three-dimensional objects one superfine layer at a time. They are typically defined by computer-aided-design (CAD) software which slices the desired object into layers. This informs the path of a nozzle or print head as it deposits layers of melted or partially melted materials. As these materials cool or are cured, they fuse together to form a three-dimensional object.

Additive Manufacturing has many applications across Engineering. Examples include the creation of weight-saving, complex geometric designs for Aerospace Engineering, the rapid prototyping in Automotive Engineering, and creating custom on-demand surgical implants in Medical Engineering.

This Collection will highlight research within these emerging and exciting areas, but also the challenges in what remains a relatively new technology.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
  • Additive manufacturing methods
  • Additive manufacturing technologies
  • Design in additive manufacturing technologies
  • Electromechanical and robotic systems
  • Heterogeneous design
  • Hybrid technologies in additive manufacturing
  • New material formulations and composite materials
  • Post-processing treatments
  • Product life cycles
  • Recent developments of additive manufacturing technologies
  • Simulation in additive manufacturing technologies
  • Sustainability and the environment
Only work funded by Horizon 2020 and/or Horizon Europe is eligible for publication on Open Research Europe and all article processing charges will be covered centrally by the European Commission.

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