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About Food Safety and Waste

Food Safety and Waste

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About this Collection
As the global population rises, so does the demand for food. However, unsustainable food production and supply leads to safety concerns and excessive waste. During production, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and several parasites can arise, live and destroy food during this phase. Worryingly, these microorganisms can be carried in food that is supplied for consumption by humans and animals, leading to serious health concerns on a mass scale. The economic burden of food safety and waste further raises further interest and need for food safety to be improved and waste reduced.

This collection aims to provide Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries with a space to openly publish work within the broad area of food safety and waste to support the prevention of negative implications on a heavily relied on industry across society.

The scope of the collection includes but is not limited to:
  • Preventative measures for food contamination
  • Possibilities of integrating food waste to food reuse
  • Impact of food waste on countries with varying demographics
  • Methods of extending the shelf-life of fresh produce
  • Strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from farm to fork

All article processing charges will be covered centrally by the European Commission.

Open Research Europe requires open access to research data supporting articles under the principle ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’. All articles should include citations to repositories that host the data underlying the results, together with any information needed to replicate, validate, and/or reuse the results/your study and analysis of the data. We recognise there may be exceptions due to ethical, data protection, or confidentiality considerations, or because the data have been obtained from a third party and access restrictions apply.
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