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About Energy Systems Modelling

Energy Systems Modelling

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About this Collection
The transition to a clean and renewable energy system is recognised as one of the biggest challenges the world faces this century. Energy models are key to the transformation of the energy system, facilitating the transition towards sustainable energy sources, and serve as the basis for guiding policy and enabling technological change. This challenge can only be met if as much of the data and knowledge stemming from energy models are made as open and accessible as possible. Transparency is key to ensure the implications and limitations of each model are fully understood.

This collection, running concurrently on Open Research Europe and F1000Research, aims to provide researchers with a space to openly disseminate work within the broad area of energy systems modelling. Researchers have the choice of publishing in Open Research Europe, which is available to Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries, or on the F1000Research platform. Information on article processing charges (APCs) for publishing in F1000Research can be found here; for authors publishing in Open Research Europe all APCs are covered centrally by the European Commission.

The scope of the collection includes but is not limited to:
  • Modelling the global energy transition
  • Analysing smart energy systems
  • Improving reproducibility and transparency through data and code sharing
  • Exploring the interaction of research and policy
  • Advancing energy system modelling methods
Open Research Europe requires open access to research data supporting articles under the principle ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’. All articles should include citations to repositories that host the data underlying the results, together with any information needed to replicate, validate, and/or reuse the results/your study and analysis of the data. We recognise there may be exceptions due to ethical, data protection, or confidentiality considerations, or because the data have been obtained from a third party and access restrictions apply.

EMP-E 2021 conference
The Energy Systems Modelling collection will be publishing papers from the 2021 EMP-E conference. The annual EMP-E conference brings together Europe’s energy modelling community over a three-day period in a forum for deep exchange of research and modelling practice and varied discussions. The EMP-E 2021 conference will be a forum for exchange among researchers and modelling teams from across Europe; from H2020 projects, representatives of the European Commission as well as partners from industry and civil society.
Collection Advisors
  • Stefan Pfenninger

  • Diana Süsser

  • Bryn Pickering

  • Ludwig Hülk

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