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About Biomaterials


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About this Collection
Biomaterials refer to materials used in medicine and dentistry that come in contact with living tissue. A tooth filling is one of the most common examples of a biomaterial, as well as implants such as joint replacements, hips, and cardiovascular repairs. Biomaterial implants are designed to improve the quality of life for an increasing number of people each year. They benefit not just an ageing population with greater life expectancy, but also younger people with heart problems, injuries, or inherited health issues, and including cosmetic surgeries.

Biomaterials may encompass research across fields as diverse as medicine, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, and mechanical engineering.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
  • 3D bioprinting
  • Active coatings
  • Biomaterials at the nanoscale
  • Biomaterials for bone regeneration
  • Functional materials
  • Hybrid and composite materials
  • Soft materials
  • Smart and multifunctional biomaterials
  • Tissue engineering
Only work funded by Horizon 2020 and/or Horizon Europe is eligible for publication on Open Research Europe and all article processing charges will be covered centrally by the European Commission.

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