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About Cloud-based Technologies

Cloud-based Technologies

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About this Collection
Cloud-based technologies deliver computing services, including networking, servers, storage, databases, software, and analytics over the Internet.

They are part of our daily routine, not only in a work or academic setting to share documents and data with our colleagues, but also in medical, and public institutions environments. As the demand for these technologies increases, there are some challenges that need to be addressed.

The aim of this Collection is to collate the latest research performed in Cloud-based technologies in order to improve their availability, scalability and cost-effectiveness. We are looking for articles that propose solutions to current challenges, such as data security and privacy, performance challenges, interoperability and flexibility, among others.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

Computing continuum: Cloud, Fog, Edge, IoT
  • Virtualization and container technologies
  • Meta-operating systems
  • Runtime environments
  • Middleware technologies and services
  • Resource provisioning
  • Scheduling and load balancing
  • Performance analysis
  • Green computing
  • Artificial intelligence and big data services
  • Domain-specific programming languages
  • Domain-specific user interfaces
  • Software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops)
All article processing charges will be covered centrally by the European Commission.

Open Research Europe requires open access to research data supporting articles under the principle ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’. All articles should include citations to repositories that host the data underlying the results, together with any information needed to replicate, validate, and/or reuse the results/your study and analysis of the data. We recognise there may be exceptions due to ethical, data protection, or confidentiality considerations, or because the data have been obtained from a third party and access restrictions apply.

This Collection includes a Research Spotlight on the article: The Internet of Things Workload Emulation for Data Centers. You can read it here.

Collection Advisors

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