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About Wireless Communications

Wireless Communications

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About this Collection
Wireless communication has become an indispensable part of our daily life in today’s world. It has brought fundamental changes to data networking, telecommunication, and is making smart integrated networks commonplace.

The aim of this Collection is to highlight advances in the state-of-the-art research on wireless communications. This may include theoretical contributions – including new techniques, concepts, and analysis – and practical contributions – such as system experiments and prototypes, and new applications.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
  • 4G, 5G and next generation cellular systems
  • Ad hoc wireless networks
  • Adaptive antennas for wireless systems
  • AI-powered wireless communications
  • Cloud networks
  • Computation and data driven wireless communications
  • Device-to-device and relay networks
  • Energy harvesting and wireless energy transfer
  • Heterogeneous cellular networks
  • Interference management and suppression
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Machine learning and data-driven optimisation
  • Millimetre wave communication
  • Modulation and coding for wireless systems
  • Multimedia communications over wireless
  • Multiple access techniques
  • Network coding
  • Next generation WiFi
  • Optical communication
  • Satellite communication
  • Security, privacy, and authentication
  • Sensor networks
  • Underwater communications.
Only work funded by Horizon 2020 and/or Horizon Europe is eligible for publication on Open Research Europe and all article processing charges will be covered centrally by the European Commission.
Collection Advisors
  • Gianluca Fontanesi

  • Chenhao Chu

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