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About Research Ethics and Integrity

Research Ethics and Integrity

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About this Collection
This collection brings together articles with a focus on the ethics of research and the trustworthiness of research results. We welcome work focusing on guidance and interventions to foster research ethics and integrity at the level of researchers, institutions, or the system of science, as well as the evaluation of impact. We are particularly interested in submissions which reflect diverse disciplinary perspectives on what constitutes ‘ethical’ and ‘good’ research, and how good practices can be supported.

We aim to include articles from the disciplines of ethics, psychology, science and technology studies, and sociology, to name just a few. The collection will bring together theoretical and empirical work, and aims to reflect the state of the art in relation to research integrity and ethics.

This Open Research Europe collection aims to support and accelerate research by providing rapid, open access publication with links to all underlying data. Peer reviews and names are published alongside the article, together with the authors’ responses. Authors are encouraged to publish revised versions of their article. Articles that pass peer review will be sent to major indexing databases including Scopus.

The range of article types offered by Open Research Europe—research articles, reviews, case studies, opinion pieces, data notes, method articles, essays, and more—facilitates the dissemination of all research outputs as openly and quickly as possible.

Potential topics and research areas include but are not limited to:
  • Research integrity and ethics normative guidance;
  • Initiatives to foster research ethics and integrity within institutions;
  • Initiatives to foster quality in research processes;
  • Empirical work of researchers’ practices and perspectives in relation to ethics and integrity of research;
  • Measurement of the impact of research ethics and integrity interventions;
  • Measurement of research and researcher quality.
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