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About Health, Ageing and Mortality

Health, Ageing and Mortality

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About this Collection
This collection brings together research on social and cultural determinants and implications for health across the life course, including illness, care, well-being, ageing and mortality. Drawing on complementary disciplines, including but not limited to the fields of sociology, demography, gerontology, economics, anthropology, geography, public policy and health studies, the spotlight is on the inequalities that exist within health and care systems and the practices, services and policies that address health ageing and mortality. The collection includes contributions that draw on the richness of a specific context, such as groups in society, locations, or particular health issues, and that address broad scope cross-country and cross-sector issues. The common thread at the heart of the collection is to provide a social perspective to better understand health, ageing and mortality.

At the forefront of open scholarship, the collection aims to inform research, practice, and policy for researchers, health practitioners, and policy makers. Further, it supports and accelerates research in these areas by providing rapid, open access publication with links to all underlying data. Open Research Europe includes a range of article types—research articles, reviews, case studies, data notes, method articles, essays, software tools, and more—that facilitate the dissemination of all research outputs as openly and quickly as possible.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
  • Health equity
  • Health policy
  • Aging
  • Health and care services
  • Inequality and well-being
  • Gender, health and mortality
  • Health and location
  • Early life determinants of long-term health
  • Family and social care
  • Disability
  • Impact of COVID 19 on health services and policy
  • Mortality and well-being
  • Health and climate change
Collection Advisor
  • Hiroko Costantini

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