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About Migration


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About this Collection
The aim of this collection is to provide researchers with a platform to disseminate work that meets rigorous scientific and ethical standards on all aspects of human migration making robust use of qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. Embracing the interdisciplinary nature of research on migration, it welcomes work anchored in all disciplines, including but not limited to Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Human geography, Demography, Law, History and Social Psychology.

The collection aims to support and accelerate research in these areas by providing rapid, open access publication with links to all underlying data. Preprints published in this collection are subject to rigorous peer-reviewing by experts in the field. Reviews and names are published alongside the article, together with the authors’ responses. Authors are encouraged to publish revised versions of their article. Articles that pass peer review will be sent to major indexing databases once the platform has undergone a formal evaluation process by these indexing services.

The range of article types offered by Open Research Europe—research articles, reviews, case studies, data notes, method articles, essays, and more—facilitates the dissemination of all research outputs as openly and quickly as possible.

Potential topics and research areas include but are not limited to:
  • Policy and Governance
  • Theories of migration
  • Research methods and Ethics
  • Statistics and Big data
  • Migration Law and Human rights
  • Asylum and Refugee studies
  • Citizenship and statelessness
  • Employment and welfare
  • Education, language and the Arts
  • Border studies and securitization
  • Mobility studies
  • Family Studies
  • Gender and intersectional Studies
  • Race, Ethnicity, identity and belonging
  • Civic and political participation
  • Public Opinion
  • (Anti-)Racism and xenophobia
  • Postcolonial and decolonial studies
  • Urban Studies
  • Cultural and Religious diversity
  • Migration and the environment
  • Diaspora and transnationalism
Collection Advisors
  • Jean-Michel Lafleur

  • Laura Morales

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