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About Diagnostic Imaging Technology

Diagnostic Imaging Technology

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About this Collection
Diagnostic Imaging, also referred to as medical imaging, is the use of electromagnetic radiation and other technologies to produce images of internal structures of the body for the purpose of accurate diagnosis.

Studies in Diagnostic Imaging encompasses radiology, but may also include ultrasound, which employs sound waves to visualise tissues, and endoscopy and similar methods in which a flexible optical instrument is equipped with a camera for imaging.

Advancements within Diagnostic Imaging engineering and technology are transforming modern healthcare. The increasing implementation of machine learning, the adoption of surgical robotics, parallel developments in radiopharmaceutical chemistry and molecular imaging, and the availability of advanced imaging and big data have led to several new domains of knowledge which will be key to further technological advances.

Potential Collection topics include but are not limited to:
  • Computer-aided diagnosis including machine learning and deep learning in decision support
  • Customisation and application of image processing
  • Digital and computational pathology
  • Image-guided systems and targeted procedures
  • Imaging physics and acquisition system advances
  • Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS)
  • Tomographic reconstruction algorithms (such as CT, MRI, and OCT)
  • Technology assessment methodology and applications
  • Ultrasonic imaging
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