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About Applications of Nanotechnology

Applications of Nanotechnology

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About this Collection
Nanotechnology includes a range of technologies at the nanoscale, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, genomics, neuroscience, robotics, and information technologies. It is a key enabling technology and has great potential for addressing societal challenges including energy supply and health care.

However, despite these advances, the rapid development of nanomaterials in recent years has come with challenges and many questions remain about the regulation of the technology and the uncertainties surrounding its impact on health and the environment.

The purpose of this collection is to explore the diverse array of solutions offered by nanotechnology in areas such as medicine, electronics, energetics, food, industry, information technology, astronautics, and communication, and also any regulatory and ethical challenges in what remains an emerging field.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
  • Computational nanotechnology
  • Electronic properties and devices
  • Environmental, health and safety issues
  • Methodologies and applications
  • Nanomaterials
  • Nanosensors
  • Synthesis and processing
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