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About Blastocystis


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About this Collection
This Collection is aimed at scientists with interests in the Blastocystis, a prevalent intestinal microbial eukaryote found in both humans and animals. 

It is a Collection of open access articles created by COST Action Blastocystis under One Health (CA21105).  This initiative emphasises a One Health approach, integrating medical, veterinary, public, and environmental health research to address the complex dynamics of Blastocystis.

The Collection particularly encourages the submission of articles exploring the pathogenicity and protective roles of Blastocystis, epidemiological studies on its prevalence and transmission, genetic diversity and evolution, advancements in diagnostic and sub-typing methodologies, and interactions between Blastocystis and the host microbiome.

Potential Topics include, but not limited to: 

1. Blastocystis in Health and Disease:
   - Investigating the pathogenicity and protective roles of Blastocystis.
   - Examining the association between Blastocystis and gastrointestinal diseases such as IBS and IBD.

2. Epidemiology and Transmission:
   - Studies on the prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis in humans and animals.
   - Understanding zoonotic, anthroponotic, and environmental transmission pathways.

3. Genetic Diversity and Evolution:
   - Analysis of the genetic subtypes (STs) of Blastocystis and their distribution.
   - Comparative genomics and phylogenetic studies.

4. Diagnostic and Subtyping Methodologies:
   - Standardisation of diagnostic techniques for Blastocystis identification.
   - Development of new tools for accurate and efficient subtyping.

5. Host-Microbiome Interactions:
   - Investigating the interactions between Blastocystis and the gut microbiome.
   - Metagenomic studies to explore the ecological role of Blastocystis in the gut.

6. Blastocystis 'Omics:
   - Genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics studies of Blastocystis subtypes.
   - Integration of omics data to understand Blastocystis biology and ecology.

7. Clinical and Public Health Implications:
   - Assessing the impact of Blastocystis on public health.
   - Guidelines for the clinical management of Blastocystis infections.

8. One Health Approach:
   - Interdisciplinary studies integrating human, animal, and environmental health perspectives.
   - Policy recommendations for managing Blastocystis under the One Health framework.

The Collection publishes all article types offered by Open Research Europe, including essays, original research articles, case studies, and facilitates the dissemination of all research outputs as openly and quickly as possible. All articles are subject to rigorous and open peer review by invited experts.

For more information on COST Action CA21105 OneHealthBlastocystis, visit Please see the COST Action Gateway on Open Research Europe for further information about the wider COST Action network and to access all COST Action publications on ORE.
Collection Advisors
  • Anastasios Tsaousis

  • Eleni Gentekaki

  • Funda Doğruman Al

  • Rune Stensvold

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