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About Sustainable Places 2023

Sustainable Places 2023

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About this Collection
Sustainability targets and climate change objectives cannot be met without addressing buildings and the built environment at the building, district and urban scale to include our transport and energy infrastructures. Renowned for showcasing results coming out of the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme via the participation of cutting-edge research and innovation projects, the scope of Sustainable Places is captured directly in its name. It involves designing, building and retrofitting the places we live and work in a more sustainable way.

Sustainable Places prides itself on being an ideal platform for the dissemination of research, the conduct of workshops, EU project clustering and networking between stakeholders of all types. The 2023 conference, SP2023, will be held over three days in a hybrid (digital + in-person) event format. Between opening and closing keynote sessions, parallel technical sessions and project-organised workshops will explore the various conference themes. Given world events we encourage submissions on technology transfer, renewable energy implementations and energy security with the aim of facilitating actions that increase the rate of renovation and renewable energy implementations.

Sustainable Places 2023 has partnered with Open Research Europe to provide Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries who are SP2023 contributors a place to publish in full compliance with the open access terms of their funding and offer researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion. Topics will include but are not limited to:
  • Energy Communities, Smart Cities and Urban Transition
  • Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Sustainable Construction & Renovation
  • Decarbonization & Circularity, Climate Change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Facilitating the energy transition: Policy, Finance, Training
  • Sustainable Urban Renewal & Cultural Transformation
  • Digitalization, Smartness & Artificial Intelligence
  • Resilience and Energy Security
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