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About Research Infrastructures

Research Infrastructures

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About this Collection
Research Infrastructure ecosystems form the backbone of science and are a part of the critical infrastructure safeguarding our societal wellbeing, providing the foundation for science-based solutions to global challenges.

This collection is a collaboration between Open Research Europe and the world’s leading conference on Research Infrastructures, the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI). ICRI has partnered with Open Research Europe to create this hub of articles on Research Infrastructures, providing ICRI contributors and Horizon beneficiaries a place to publish on Research Infrastructures open access, at no cost to the authors.

The 2022 ICRI conference took place in Brno, Czech Republic; this collection invites contributions from all conference participants who are Horizon beneficiaries, as well as all Horizon beneficiaries and their collaborators working on Research infrastructures.

We invite submissions on topics including but not limited to the following:
  • How research infrastructures contribute to addressing Grand Societal Challenges including health pandemics, environmental challenges and the digitalisation of society
  • Societal and economic benefits and impacts, and social responsibility of research infrastructures
  • International cooperation and the role of RIs
  • Developing an integrated RI ecosystem
  • Convergence of research infrastructure policy-making with policymaking in other sectorial areas, such as business development, industry, energy, environment, agriculture, health, social affairs or security
  • Case studies or examples to demonstrate that the potential of RIs to enact change
  • Examples demonstrating impacts of the ecosystem approach to research infrastructures
  • Raising public awareness and knowledge about RI, stakeholder management, citizen engagement
Open Research Europe forwards the European Commission’s mission to lead by example in operationalising open science principles in our open publishing model, disseminating research as openly and quickly as possible. The collection accepts a range of article types offered by ORE—Research Articles, Reviews, Case Studies, Data Notes, Method Articles, Opinion Articles, Software Tools, and more. Each article will undergo fully transparent post-publication peer review and will be indexed in Scopus and other major databases once it has passed peer review.
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