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About Artificial Intelligence and the Social Sciences and Humanities

Artificial Intelligence and the Social Sciences and Humanities

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About this Collection
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting every area of our lives, from the technologies in our homes, to the presence of AI in every employment sector, to AI in the political arena and the changing nature of warfare. Developments in AI throw up momentous intellectual, ethical and moral challenges, questions which philosophers, lawyers, psychologists and others in the social sciences and the humanities are best placed to contend with. The creativity, analytical rigour and critical thinking of social science and humanities scholarship is essential to ensure that with the continuing advancement of technology, key values such as equality, democracy, and justice are upheld.

The aim of this collection is to explore the social, cultural, and ethical implications of AI. The collection takes an interdisciplinary approach, spotlighting the latest thinking in scholarship that connects AI to the social sciences and humanities. The range of article types offered by Open Research Europe - research articles, reviews, case studies, data notes, method articles, essays, software tools, and more - facilitates the dissemination of all research outputs as openly and quickly as possible.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
  • Impact of AI on society and social life
  • Ethical questions raised by AI
  • AI and human rights
  • AI, power and politics
  • AI and the law
  • Art, music, literature and AI
  • AI and care
  • AI and work/industry/the economy
  • Automated/ AI assisted scholarship
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