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About Energy Storage

Energy Storage

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About this Collection
Energy storage refers to the capture of energy and the effective delivery of it for future use. Energy storage technologies offer several significant benefits, this includes the improved stability of power quality and reliability of power supply. As the energy crisis has intensified, energy storage has become a major focus of research in both industry and academia. There are several methods for storing energy including electrical, mechanical, chemical, electromagnetic, electrochemical, and thermal.

Energy storage technologies have numerous applications ranging from large-scale generation and transmission-based systems to network distribution systems. Despite having a variety of energy storage technologies, each storage system performs in a different manner with its inherent storage characteristics.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

• Battery storage
• Renewable energy storage systems
• Smart grids
• Storage density
• Energy storage efficiency
• Electric grid integration
• Novel energy storage systems and technology
• Numerical and computer modelling of energy storage systems
• Policy uptake of energy storage systems

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